Saturday, June 29, 2019

I am Still Alive! (Week 89)

I am Still Alive!  (Week 89)

Monday June 17, 2019

Hello everyone!

Sorry I ran out of time to send an email last week! I went to do sports with the other missionaries and some investigators, and we were late, so I didn't even get out anything to everyone! Just my usual call home. I heard my Grandma Jenkins got really worried when she didn't see my email! So I am making sure to get one out today!

Also, two weeks ago, I went to the Lai Thieu fruit festival and sent those photos to them. They will probably put up some photos of that on the blog they made for me. Additionally, they told me they put a lot of photos from the Cu Chi tunnels on there, so check it out when you get a chance!

Okay, so the last two weeks haven't been too different from usual, but they have been good. We are still trying to help Chi Nhuong get ready for baptism on the 30th! We will need to meet her about three times this week before the baptismal interview though. She is doing well though! She really loves what she sees in the gospel, and is really trying to live the commandments! She is one of the most prepared people I have ever met! Also, a lot of our younger investigators are going to be busy with educational tests the next week and a half. We had a good lesson this last week with Em Vy, and she will keep reading the Book of Mormon and praying, but we won't meet again for an official lesson until she finishes with her scholastic testing. She is doing awesome though! She is following all of the commandments and is trying to get her parents to support her being baptized! She says she shares with them about what she learns and they are reacting pretty well to it! Hopefully they will want to learn too! Em Thuan is also testing, but is still reading a bit, and we send her a spiritual thought every once in a while. Our other investigators are doing decent. 

We ran into Eric in the elevator the other day. He has been extremely busy lately, but said he would set up a time to meet us this week. Anh Phuong and Anh Thang came to Sacrament close to on time this week! That was cool. They are opening up more and sharing more over Facebook so that is a cool blessing from technology (thanks to God of course though). Oh, and it sounds like we will not be able to visit with Anh Hung and Chi Chi as much. They are quite busy, and have another activity on Sunday mornings, so they cannot come to church for a while. They are still good friends though, and we will still try to reach out to them. But for now, they will probably take a bit of a break from learning the gospel with us regularly. Oh, and one cool thing, after our last district council we decided that our district needs to focus more on finding new investigators, so we have been working on that! And we have seen God place people in our path as we open our mouths! Yesterday was really cool, we set up several appointments, including a family of seven I contacted who were waiting for the rain to stop so they could go home. Even the rain can be a blessing! Even if there is so much of it... Everyday on my phone's weather forecast has an 80% or higher chance of rain... while in Tucson, it is 0% every single day... Definitely an adjustment. But the rain does cool things down, so I guess that is good.

Also, our activities are going well. We are seeing new faces in our English activity, including several who learned about us through Facebook, so pretty cool! And YSA is getting bigger too! This last week we had some sort of "the floor is lava" type game that was good on team work.

Well, we've got a full week ahead of us with lots of appointments, apartment inspections (we have had the cleanest apartment the last two transfers! Largely thanks to my companion who is really efficient at clean up. Especially dishes, he used to work washing dishes, and he literally washes them ten times faster than I do), and interviews with President Chiles! It should be a good and very full week. Also, our district has a goal to have one new appointment set every day (with someone who has not yet started learning). Wish us luck, and any prayers our way are appreciated! Our district leader said if we succeed, we will celebrate with a barbeque buffet... That helped motivate my companion! Also shout out to him, Elder Bao has been really bold contacting this last week and talking to everyone!

Well, I think we will get going. Still need to get groceries. Talk to everyone next week!

Elder Watson/ Nghiêm

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