Date: Sun, Jan 21, 2018
Hello everyone!
Wow, I have already gone through another week. Time really
does fly by here. Things are starting to get really exciting here, with
everyone preparing for Tet next month. For those of you who don't know, Tet is
the Vietnamese New Year, and is by far the biggest holiday of the year here in
Vietnam. People prepare for it a month in advance, and pretty much everyone
takes off about a week to celebrate it. From what I hear, things will be pretty
slow for us during Tet as everyone travels back to their home town, but leading
up to it we are trying to get in some extra service by helping people clean
their homes and prepare for Tet. We have one member we are helping this
Saturday, and we are advertising our help for Tet in self-reliance class. We
are always happy to help whoever we can!
So things are going quite well. I am happy to report that
Elder Danh is no longer on crutches. He still has to wear a cast on his leg,
but he seems well on the way to recovery. As for our investigators, Em Thanh is
still doing great! He currently has a baptismal date set for the tenth! He is
super excited about learning the gospel, and always tries his best to follow
our commitments. We are still meeting with our other investigators, and they
are all doing well. In fact, we think we may be able to get three more people
learning the gospel soon! We have three people we have been learning English
with, and they have all shown interest in learning more about the church. On
Saturday, we even gave one of them a copy of the Book of Mormon, and she is
going to start reading it! Seriously, the Lord prepares people to receive the
gospel and puts them in the right circumstances to receive it!
Alright, well I think that about covers it again for this
week. I will write again next week. Until then!
Elder Watson/ Nghiem